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BAKER SDN LONG SERIES DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM L.C. / 0.0005" L.C.), Swiss Circuit

BAKER SDN LONG SERIES DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM L.C. / 0.0005" L.C.), Swiss Circuit

SDN50 / 0-500 MM / 0-20" DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM / 0.0005" L.C.), SWISS CIRCUIT

SDN60 / 0-600 MM / 0-24" DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM / 0.0005" L.C.), SWISS CIRCUIT

SDN80 / 0-800 MM / 0-32" DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM / 0.0005" L.C.), SWISS CIRCUIT

SDN100 / 0-1000 MM / 0-40" DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM / 0.0005" L.C.), SWISS CIRCUIT

SDN150 / 0-1500 MM DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM / 0.0005" L.C.), SWISS CIRCUIT

SDN200 / 0-2000 MM DIGITAL VERNIER (0.01 MM / 0.0005" L.C.), SWISS CIRCUIT

Large SDN series Digital vernier caliper / Digital Caliper available from 0-500 mm to 0-1000mm with IP66 protection. High contrast liquid crystal display. Fine adjustment with lock, Auto switch off, 3V battery.

Regular price ₹ 21,806.00
Sale price ₹ 21,806.00 Regular price ₹ 28,320.00
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Price inclusive of 18% GST

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